greek life

The Village at 澳门新普京注册 is a bustling hive of activity that’s home to fraternity and sorority life – it’s a unique arrangement that helps create stronger bonds both between members and between their respective organizations, as well as the wider community. 

Apply for the Village

Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 Rates

Small Single Bedroom/ 1 Bathroom

  • Monthly: $898.75
  • Semesterly: $3,595.00

Single Deluxe Suite

  • Monthly: $1,062.50
  • Semesterly: $4,250

Large Single Bedroom/ 1 Bathroom

  • Monthly: $898.75
  • Semesterly: $3,595.00

Double Bedroom/ 2 Bathroom Suite

  • Monthly: $818.75
  • Semesterly: $3,275.00


  • Semi-Private & Shared Bathrooms

This community enhances Registered Student Organizations at 澳门新普京注册 by attracting potential members and providing a residential site for these RSOs to flourish and expand. If you would like more information about becoming a member of an RSO, please explore the Center for Student Involvement.

If you have questions or would like additional information about applying for a House in The Village, contact us at

Pricing & Floor Plans

Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 Rates

Small Single Bedroom/ 1 Bathroom

  • Monthly: $898.75
  • Semesterly: $3,595.00

Single Deluxe Suite

  • Monthly: $1,062.50
  • Semesterly: $4, 250.00

Large Single Bedroom/ 1 Bathroom

  • Monthly: $898.75
  • Semesterly: $3,595.00

Double Bedroom/ 2 Bathroom Suite

  • Monthly: $818.75
  • Semesterly: $3,275.00

All tuition, fees, or other charges are subject to change at the end of any academic term per the University System of Georgia.

Floor Plans

Additional Details

  • Living/Chapter Room
  • Residential KitchenWasher/Dryer in every house
  • Single Bedrooms with Semi-private Bathrooms
  • Double Bedrooms with Shared Bathrooms
  • Desk and Chair for each resident
  • Twin XL Beds.
  • Half-bath for guests.
  • Shower: 46” x 33”
  • Curtain Rod: Provided. 80” from floor

NOTE: It is not permissible to move any furniture, such as beds, from their original location.

Wolf Connect is 澳门新普京注册's campus engagement platform to help you connect to campus and find ways to get involved. Simply use your current 澳门新普京注册 username and password to log in today and check out all of information Wolf Connect gives you access to.

Register for an Event 

Helpful Forms and Documentation


All residents are responsible for abiding by these regulations, in addition to all state and local laws, and the 澳门新普京注册 Student Conduct Code.

Policies below labeled with an asterisk* denote that they are included in the Student Wolf Code. These policies may be further specified for Housing property. It is important that you read and understand all policies fully.

All students are provided with a My澳门新普京注册 e-mail account. It is the student's responsibility to check his or her e-mail daily. Housing & Residence Life (HRL) conduct charges will be sent to students' e-mail accounts from a system called Maxient.

Every organizational chapter is also expected to abide by the Conduct Code as set forth in the Registered Student Organizations Handbook.

All violations of the policies, laws, and codes will be subject to the 澳门新普京注册 conduct process, in addition to local and state judicial processes when applicable.

Alcohol (Section 7.00 of Student Code)

Georgia state law forbids the consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages by persons under the age of twenty-one (21).

In the Village, alcohol may only be consumed by residents and guests who are of the legal drinking age and are inside the house or on the immediately adjacent concrete patio or porch. No glass bottles are permitted outside of houses.

If individuals consume alcohol at a chapter house in the Village, and then are involved in an incident at another area on/near campus, the chapter may be included in a University conduct investigation.


Please refer to the posted Facilities and Grounds Maintenance Policies regarding standards both within the house and the surrounding area (these policies will be made available during the academic term).

*Damages (Section 12.00 of Student Code)
Students will be held responsible for any and all damages to, loss of, and/or unapproved alterations to University property within/around their assigned chapter house.

Offensive Material

The Housing and Residence Life department encourages and welcomes students to decorate their room/ chapter house in a manner in which they would be comfortable, with discretion. Space outside the interior of one's assigned room (e.g., visible through windows, and door exteriors) is considered public space and is maintained under the jurisdiction of Housing and Residence Life. Residents have the right to approach anyone who displays a decoration which they believe to be offensive or obscene in order to discuss their concern. Students may be asked to remove offensive material from public view.

*Disorderly Conduct (Section 4.00 of Student Code)

Behavior that may not be specified within the Student Wolf Code, including but not limited to: water/ shaving cream fights (pranks), non-compliance with a request from a HRL staff member, etc. will not be tolerated and could result in conduct action and dismissal from University Housing. Unwelcome and offensive language may result in conduct action if it is so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it denies or limits an individual's ability to work, or to participate in or benefit from an educational program or activity.


In accordance with fire safety practices, exterior doors to chapter houses are to be kept closed at all times. Exceptions will be made for certain situations including University cleaning, move out/in weekend, approved and registered social events, and/or with the Village Housing staff (GV Manager, GV RLC, or other full- time staff) approved.

*Fire and Safety Equipment (Section 9.00 of Student Code)

Fire Safety Equipment includes but is not limited to: any vehicle, tool, equipment, water supply, or other instruments or facilities used in the detection, reporting, suppression, or extinguishment of a fire.

All residents are required by state law to evacuate any building in which the fire alarm is sounding.

Fire Hazards

Candles are permitted only for:

  1. Chapter Rituals
  2. Approved and registered events
  3. Display purposes; the wick must be fully removed

Personal use of candles is prohibited

Incense, gasoline, potpourri burners, and incendiary devices of any kind are not permitted in the chapter houses. Propane and charcoal lighter fluid must be kept outside the chapter house. Charcoal may be kept inside the chapter house. Charcoal may be kept inside the chapter house.

Please note: Possession, use, furnishing or sale of explosives and fireworks are a violation of the Student Wolf Code (section 10.00)

Hover Boards: As of December 16, 2015, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission released a statement regarding the safety of hover boards. Because hover boards have been declared a potential fire hazard, the possession or storage of electronic skateboards including self- balancing boards/ scooters and other similar equipment in all University residence halls, apartments and the Village is prohibited.

*Furniture Removal (Section 12.00 of Student Code)

No interior furniture is allowed on the exterior of the chapter houses, and yards should be kept clean. All furniture in residents' rooms must remain intact and within the room, unless approved by a University official. Financial restitution may be pursued for room furniture that needs to be relocated or replaced if removed unofficially.


Each chapter is expected to abide and enforce their Inter/National organizational standards for guests.

At the University, a guest is defined as any individual (s) who is not an active member of a specific chapter, or who is not assigned an active access card to a specific access card, which resides in Village.

Guests are permitted only at the request of the residents, who then become responsible for their guests’ conduct. Guests are expected to comply with all state and University regulations and policies. Guests are permitted only at the request of the residents of the room. Individuals who are not residents may be asked to leave the Village if they are unable to demonstrate they are guests of a chapter resident or on University business. They may also be required to leave if they are violating policies, damaging property, or show potential to cause harm to themselves or others.

Guest privileges are to be exercised with concern for others’ right to privacy. No student shall be denied access to, or use of, his/her room at any time, or be placed under undue hardship by the presence of a guest.

Guests are not to be in possession of a resident’s room key or student ID.

Overnight Guests

**An individual (including active chapter members) who is not a contracted resident of a specific chapter house is considered a guest for the purposes of the following policy.**

A guest is allowed to stay overnight three (3) consecutive nights. The HRL Office highly encourages a resident to speak with their sisters/brothers prior to the guest staying for any length of time.

Cohabitation in a chapter house is prohibited. Cohabitation is defined as behavior indicating an occupant is sharing his/her assigned space (or common areas of the house) with a person who is not contracted to the house. Cohabitation is also defined as a guest’s presence on a regular or continued basis that may infringe upon the contracted students’ right to privacy, sleep, or study.

Children under the age of 15 are not permitted to be in the Village from 10pm-8am.

Internet Use/ Routers

Internet (ResNet) is provided in all the chapter houses via Ethernet plug-ins and/or wireless signal. Residents illegally downloading protected content or illegally file sharing will be referred for disciplinary action.

Personal routers are prohibited. Please refer to Information Technology Services ( for more specific information/policies.


All amplified sound and music inside/outside the chapter house must end by midnight Sunday-Thursday, and 2am on Friday-Saturday; however, any and all requests from a City Ordinance Officer needs to be abided.

Quiet hours will be enforced 24-hours daily during final exam periods.

Out of respect for others, residents are expected to keep noise at a reasonable level 24 hours a day. Residents are expected to comply with reasonable requests from fellow Village residents or staff to take measures to reduce their noise levels.

Parking Lot Gate Arm

The automatic parking lot gate arms at the entrance and exit of the Village are to enact safety and security of the individuals utilizing the Village complex. The removal, damage, or temporary/permanent alteration to the gate arm is prohibited. Payment for restoration or replacement of the security bar may fall to an individual or a whole chapter. There is also a $250 fine for misuse of the Gate Arm.


Small fish in bowls or aquariums (maximum capacity of ten gallons) are the only pets allowed in the chapter houses.

*Requests by Residence Life Staff (Section 4.00 of Student Conduct Code)
Residents are required to follow the requests of all university officials who are in the performance of their duties. These individuals include (but are not limited to): Housing & Residence Life Student Assistants/Logistics crew, HRL cleaning staff, Village Aides, Village Residence Life Coordinator, Village Manager, Area Coordinators, University Police, etc.). Their directions may include, but are not limited to providing current identification, lowering noise volume, leaving a building, ceasing inappropriate behavior, etc.


Students and belongings on the roof of any university building by a student is strictly prohibited.


Removing window screens, throwing objects from windows, or running antennas or other wires from windows may endanger residents and is not permitted.

The Village Housing  
House AKappa Delta
House BSigma Chi
House CSigma Kappa
House DAlpha Xi Delta
House EPhi Delta Theta
House FAlpha Gamma Delta
House GTau Kappa Epsilon
House HDelta Zeta
House IPi Kappa Alpha
House JPhi Mu
House K 
House LKappa Alpha Order
House M 
House NAlpha Sigma Phi
House OChi Omega
House P 

Housing Amenities







  • Single or Double rooms available
  • Semi-private bathrooms
  • Desk and chair for each resident
  • Xfinity High Speed Internet
  • Water
  • Electricity
  • Gas

Never worry about overages 

  • Living/Chapter Room
  • Customized Living
  • Town Houses available
  • Controlled building access

Community Amenities






  • Free washer/dryer in every house
  • Large meeting rooms
  • Receptionist area
  • Professional staff member offices on-site
  • Open green space
  • Residential kitchen
  • Volleyball court
  • Pavilion
  • Basketball court 
  • Two studio style apartments for university guests

LocationGreek Village, 130 University Dr, Carrollton, GA 30117