CEPD-7145 Advocacy and Leadership
This course emphasizes 'theory to practice' by providing experiences that allow students to assess and develop their personal leadership while emphasizing the values, knowledge and skills required for effective advocacy and brokering of services through consultation and collaboration Special emphasis is placed on the development of skills in planning, organizing, coordinating and delivering programs that generate systematic change. Use of data to identify needs, remove barriers and mobilize resources from schools and communities in order to increase options for students and clients are primary themes throughout the course.
Lecture Hours: 3.00 Lab Hours: 0Total Hours: 3.00
Course Title | Instructor | Campus | Section | Syllabus |
Advocacy and Leadership | Mary Huffstead | Distance | E01 | external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource |
Advocacy and Leadership | Jairus-Joaquin Matthews, PhD., CCC-SLP | Distance | E02 | external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource |